We are proud to support Give to Women and Girls Day, a vital philanthropic initiative that emphasizes the importance of directing resources toward achieving gender equity. At Pivotal, we work to amplify impacts across key areas that uplift women—from health and technology innovation to political power and economic justice. Investing in women and girls’ power and protecting their rights is essential for building a stronger, more inclusive society for everyone.
— Haven Ley, Chief Strategy Officer, Pivotal Ventures
Research reinforces what we know: that philanthropic investment in women and girls needs to be higher. We are proud to partner with the Women’s Philanthropy Institute for a third year for #GiveToWomenAndGirls! Join us in celebrating by donating to support women and girls, and urging your community to do the same.
— Teresa C. Younger, President & CEO, Ms. Foundation for Women
Girls Inc. is honored to join the Give to Women and Girls Day 2024 efforts as an Anchor Partner to increase awareness of the benefits that come from investing in girls. At Girls Inc., we believe all girls have potential, but not all have access to the opportunities and experiences that prepare them to unlock that potential. When we invest in girls and create a more equitable society, not only do they change their own circumstances, they also change the circumstances of others around them. They change the world.
— Dr. Stephanie J. Hull, President & CEO, Girls Inc.
Investing in women’s initiatives is fundamental to building a world that offers equal opportunities to all. It directly reflects the values of our society and organizations. The lack of investment in empowering women in every aspect of their lives is a duty we all have to assume from the top down, not with flattering words and commitments but with action and financial support.
— Diana Franco, Vice President, Women.NYC at the New York City Economic Development Corporation
When we rally behind women and girls, we’re not just unlocking individual potential — we are igniting the leadership of transformational changemakers who can build thriving communities and drive systemic change. Women’s and girls’ leadership is key to driving progress. Empowering them isn’t just about today, it’s about creating positive ripple effects for a more equitable future.
— Marti Speranza Wong, Founder & Executive Director, Amplify Her Foundation
Despite the progress made since the first Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls in 1848, the disparity in philanthropic support for women and girls’ organizations remains stark. In fact, only two percent of philanthropic dollars go to these groups. This underfunding is a significant barrier to advancing gender equality and the vital work they do. Increasing support is crucial, especially now when our rights are under threat. Our organizations play a pivotal role in providing services and inspiration, driving policy change, and empowering women and girls to assert their rights.
— Jean Kilbourne, Board President, National Women's Hall of Fame
As a community dedicated to advancing global gender equality, Together Women Rise is a proud supporter of Give to Women & Girls Day. Every woman and girl deserves the same opportunities to thrive and realize their dreams, and investing in women and girls creates a healthier, safer, more peaceful, and economically just world for everyone.
— Beverley Francis-Gibson, CEO, Together Women Rise
Supporting women and girls is an investment in the strength and resilience of our communities. When we equip them with tools to succeed, we unlock pathways to leadership and innovation that uplift families and transform neighborhoods. By amplifying their voices and ensuring access to resources, we pave the way for a more equitable society, with benefits that resonate across generations.
— Ana L. Oliveira, The New York Women’s Foundation
Impact100 Global is dedicated to empowering women to become change-makers in their communities through collective philanthropy. We are proud to link arms as an anchor partner with Give to Woman and Girl’s Day sharing a common goal to empower and uplift women. This flagship event is designed to draw attention to the chronic underfunding of women and girls’ causes, while celebrating the vital role of women in philanthropy. Together, we proudly stand united for good as we amplify the power of women to create lasting impact.
— Wendy Steele, Founder & Chief Executive, Impact100
The Asia Foundation is thrilled to be part of Give to Women and Girls Day in New York. This is a powerful opportunity to mobilize attention and funds for work led by and for women and girls, recognizing that when you change the life of one girl or woman, she changes the lives of many. This is also the credo of The Asia Foundation in our commitment to advancing women’s and girls’ rights and gender equality for a transformed world.
— Jane Sloane, Senior Director of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, The Asia Foundation
As we celebrate the third annual Give to Women and Girls Day, the energy and momentum is palpable. We have more partners involved than ever before; Amplify Her Foundation is co-hosting the first in-person event in New York City; and thanks to Every.org, women’s and girls’ organizations can centralize fundraising efforts for the first time. While the latest Women & Girls Index report shows that charitable giving to women’s and girls’ organizations is still under 2% of total giving, we are seeing more attention paid to these critical issues, and I truly believe we are reaching an inflection point.
— Jacqueline Ackerman, Interim Director, Women’s Philanthropy Institute at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Women Moving Millions is honored to support Give to Women and Girls Day—a day that speaks to the heart of our mission to catalyze unprecedented resources for gender equality. Investing in women and girls builds a better future for us all, and we hope philanthropists at every level will join the movement and support organizations building a gender equal world.
— Sarah Haacke Byrd, CEO, Women Moving Millions
There’s power in numbers—there’s no denying that, especially when we look at the stark numbers around funding for advancing gender equity. That’s why Working for Women is fully behind The Give to Women and Girls Day Flagship Event. Our mission is all about creating pathways to financial independence and driving meaningful change for women from marginalized communities across the U.S. Our core belief is that when it comes to investing in women, we can do more together than on our own.
— Beth Bengtson, Founder & CEO, Working for Women
We strive to ensure a better future for women and girls by redefining philanthropy and encouraging as many people as possible to support Give to Women and Girls Day this Friday, October 11th. It’s not just about this day, however, but rather using this day as a catalyst to think about supporting women and girls throughout the year.
— Yolanda F. Johnson, President & CEO, YFJ Consulting
Native American women and girls are a doubly overlooked group in philanthropy. Women and girl focused organizations receive less than 2% - and Native American controlled organizations less than 0.5% - of charitable giving. Indigenous women are resilient, caring for multi-generational extended families, despite facing immense structural sexism and racism, low earnings and disproportionate rates of violence and suicide. Through grantmaking, data platforms, and inter-generational female collectives, Indigenous Justice Circle increases professional, civic, financial and health inclusion of Indigenous women and girls. We are thrilled to join Women’s Philanthropy Institute and Amplify Her for the “Give to Women and Girls Day NYC” event.
— Kelly Hallman, Indigenous Justice Circle
WCJA is honored to participate in the Give to Women and Girls Day Flagship Event. As an organization dedicated to supporting women and gender-expansive individuals affected by mass incarceration, we recognize the critical gaps in addressing their needs. We are grateful to see Give to Women and Girls Day bring attention to these funding disparities and encourage increased support to these critical issues from funders.
— Tashoy Miller, Director of Admininstration & Community Affairs, Women's Community Justice Association
Since its founding in 1889, Barnard’s historic pursuit of equality for women in higher education and relentless commitment to a broadly inclusive future has been deeply rooted in a legacy of women and girls who set out to accomplish bold, brave, and brilliant ideas while remaining fearless about even the toughest challenges. Today and every day, Barnard College is honored to stand with like-minded organizations who emphatically embrace the transformative power of generosity. We are committed to championing the impact that women continue to have both locally and throughout our global community — especially as we recognize what investing directly in one’s personal journey, growth, and success can achieve.
— Michael Farley, Vice President for Development & Alumnae Relations, Barnard College